
During the years spent at The Academy of Fine Art of
Bologna, I developed a keen interest in researching
new ways of producing artworks through thread and
sewing needles mixed with other materials.
I regard this research as ‘Geographies of the Image’ because
the whole image passes through the place of memory
ranging over that apparently empty time made of pictures of
In this way I recollected simple childhood games adopting
some elements, for instance, snips of paper, kite shapes, etc.
The act of sewing aims to peacefully recover memories of my
past as described below:

“Thread and fabric are sewed and unpicked, releasing waves
of memories that were frozen in the past, letting them free to
come across time. The images become alterations, empty and
paralysed trails, abandoned shells in the ‘no-place’ of


Soroptimist Award 2011/2012, Ravenna (Italy);
Master's Degree in Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, Ravenna (Italy) 2011;
British School, Bologna (Italy) 2009;
Kingsway College, London, (UK) 2008;
Master's Degree in Fine Art's, Academy of Fine Arts,  Bologna (Italy)2006;
High School Diploma 'Cielo D'Alcamo Institute', Trapani (Italy).